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Week 5: Digital Storytelling - Production Video

 Week 5: Production Video Hey everyone, how's everyone doing? All good? By the way, this week's topic is the last topic that I will be blogging about. So, enjoy reading ya.  Let's begin, so on Monday morning 2nd November 2020 I had an online class with my fellow classmates and my lecturer Ms. Amanda. The lecture is about video editing and using which software to edit etc.  So based on my experience in video editing, I have used Microsoft Video Editor, it's basic and easy to edit. As for me, I'm still intermediate to video editing. The current update is so good with Windows 10, You can use it to trim videos or create your own home movies and slideshows. You can even have it create videos automatically. Getting started    (Image credit: Microsoft) Click on “New Video” and choose to either create a “New Video Project”, or let the app do all the work for you with “Automatic Video”. We chose to start with the latter. When making an Automatic Video, all you have ...

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